Want to write for Musing on Music? We love taking submissions from music lovers and we are currently accepting pieces on a number of music related content, both listed and suggested. We are always looking for high quality contributors. You don’t have to be a professional writer, just be someone who has a passion to share music. You may want to write one piece, or you may want to become a contributor who writes multiple articles. If you are interested in writing for Musing on Music read on.
Fantastic! Please read the submission guidelines below first though, just so you are clear.
Submission Information and Guidelines
Our current set of writers share everything from music news to personal musical musings. We are currently accepting contributors on a number of topics including:
- Personal Music Musings
- New Artist Write Ups
- Pieces on Music in Television and Movies
- Pieces on Your Favorite Artists Quotes and Lyrics
- Other Music Related Content
Your post/article needs to be original. We are not interested in rehashed material that you have either posted somewhere else or have copied.. Copying others will get you booted from our site. A link back to an original article when using some of it as a source is appropriate. You may share content from another source by writing a brief summary of the content and linking back to the original article or photo essay.
We do not post press release submissions. If you are interested in a partnership or promoting your content please head over to the advertise and promotions page.
Once the piece is published on our website (Musing on Music) you agree not to publish the piece anywhere else, including your own website/blog. You may link to the main article, but only through a summary.
There is no minimum required word count, but we do prefer that pieces have at least 400 words, This is so that Google and others will appreciate your content more.
Once you submit your piece through our submission template we may make minor edits (language structure, spelling, etc) but anything major will be run by the author to see if the change is ok. Your piece may also be edited for SEO structure and quality.
We love fresh content written in different styles, which is what makes your piece unique. There isn’t a main structure for a musing piece, however, there may be some structuring required based on the topic you want to write about.
Please read the FAQ’s at the end of this page for more details.
What We Offer
We offer an Author Box at the end of all your posts. This will include a small blurb about you and links to your Social Media profiles and personal website. We currently offer links to a personal website/blog, Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Instagram and LinkedIn. We can link to all of them or whatever combination you want. We also blast your name and content on all of our Social Sites and help direct people to where you want them to go. You will have the opportunity to fill all this out on the submission page. Author pictures are handled through Gravatar. Head over there if you don’t have one and open a free account, upload a picture, and tell us what email you are using. You can use whatever picture you want to represent yourself, as long as it isn’t vulgar or pornographic. You will have the chance to tell us in the submission form.
Your profile widget will also be listed on its own page and below it will link to all your information, including all the content you are writing for us. If you enjoy writing for us and want to write more content we are open to discussion.
We don’t require pictures, and we will pull some for the article if necessary, but pictures are of course a huge bonus. You will be able to send those files from the submission page. We prefer the original file size and we can size it correctly. If you are sending us pics they have to be pics that either belong to you and are approved to go on the site, or pictures that are categorized for reuse. This way we are all clear of copyright infringement.
Your author links cannot be spam related. They have to be to something legitimate. We WILL NOT link back to credit report sites, gambling sites, pornography, finance sites, or anything related to spam sites. The same guideline is in place for in -article links. The links are for your benefit, so make them count.
Keep the article links to a minimum. If you are linking off the site it needs to be something related to your article directly or something that will benefit the readers of your piece. No SPAM links will be included. Conversely, we always appreciate you including at least one link to another article on our site, but it isn’t a requirement.
Once content is published your name remains on it as Author, but Musing on Music owns the content. You retain any photography rights.
A Few More FAQs
When Can I Submit Content?
Go for it, you have read over this page and have a clear understanding of everything. We are excited to read your piece. Start Writing Now!
Can I Repost Content From My Blog?
Definitely. If you’d like to retain your links, paste in the HTML version (“Text” in the WordPress editor) of your content.
How Can I Upload a Video?
You can share videos by using the embed codes provided by YouTube, Vimeo or any other online content hosting service. Just copy the code and paste it into the body of your submission and we will make sure it gets in.
How Do I Add Photos?
There will be an area for you to submit your photo on the submission page. You can give us the html links to them, but we prefer you submit them to use directly. Remember, you must have permission to use the photos you are sending. Any copyright infringement will fall on you.
What Size Should My Photos Be?
Please submit photos that are a minimum of 750px wide.
Anything Else I Need to Know?
At this point we have covered it all and are looking forward to your submission/s. Remember to fill out all the necessary areas of the submission form so that we can set you up exactly how you want. If a necessary item is missed the form will not go through, so you will have a chance to see what you missed.